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A Look into the Larry Rowbs Foundation

In the United States of America and much of the Western world, our need for new clothes has become the most important thing in the world. With this constant need to buy more and pay less, we often neglect how much we cost the environment and those in other countries. The Larry Rowbs Foundation focuses on the root issue in this process. Founders Rowaiye Olanrewaju and Travis Robbins quickly realized that focusing on recycling garments could help the environment and change lives. 

After working on the manufacturing side of the fashion industry since 2012, it became obvious to Olanrewaju that there needed to be a cyclical and healthier lifestyle in relation to clothing. Spending much of the COVID-19 shutdown in Uganda, he dwelled on the issues he saw. Poverty, lack of education, and poor quality garments impacted everyone and everything, including the environment. With many of America’s garments ending up in landfills, it became clear that two problems could be taken care of in one fell swoop.

By shipping the used garments from America to Africa and creating factories that pay well and promote healthy living conditions, the economy in the area began to bloom. Inside the factories, clothing is recycled into new higher quality garments that can be resold on the African market for more affordable prices than the other lower quality items. 

“Most items here will break apart after two or three washes. If you’re lucky.” Olanrewaju explains via Zoom. “If we can create prosperity for people, better clothing, and help the environment, why wouldn’t we?”

The foundation also works to help increase education within the area using the community built around the factory. As teenage pregnancy and school drop-out rates rose during the height of COVID-19, the foundation decided to work on creating its own education system. The fashion school would focus on sustainable fashion, circular economies, and then will help students to start their own sustainable fashion brands after graduation. Sustainability isn’t a just choice, but rather a decision that people can take to change many lives.

Click here to contribute to the Larry Rowbs Foundation and read more about their mission. They have also started a Go Fund Me which you can contribute to here.